Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Pass Time of Brasilians

When Brasilians are not working you can see them living a very active lifestyle, that involves many people surrounding them, but its a little different then in the states. When the weekend comes around it is very common to see Brasilians in company of close friends and/or family. It is also common to see them relaxing and just enjoying life. It is normal to have people over on the weekends and have a Churrasco, or just even grab some blankets and lay out in the yard. Another place that they love to visit, if they are in close distance to, is the beach. The beach in of itself is a place that during summer months hundreds flock to to get away from the busy work lifestyle and enjoy a nice vacation with family or friends. At the beach one can enjoy many activities. You can obviously take in some rays, or go swimming, but it is also very common to find people kicking a futbol around, or someone playing volleyball in the sand. Also depending on the beach one goes to, surfing is another big activity to be seen. It does not just stop there. On the Island of Floripa, some even venture to take trails that lead to secluded beaches, the most famous of these being Lagoinha do Leste.  Brasilians really love to be with nature, and out in about playing a sport or just walking around. Which is why winter is the worst time for Brasilians in the south, since they are not able to go out and enjoy the beach, instead they have to be cooped up in the house. The second t is warm though you can see everyone out and out either walking around or at the beach.

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