Monday, September 23, 2013

Brasilian Hospitality

 Every time I have gone to Latin America, or even when I met someone from Latin America I am reminded how hospitable and friendly people from Latin America are, and why I love to visit. This is true also here in Brasil. That is even a main reason why I really wanted to come and study abroad here. As the people I met abroad while in Italy that were from Brasil, were very hospitable and made the country sound amazing….and it is! Now that I am here I can say with certainty (at least in the encounters I have had) that this friendliness and openness is quite true. Everyone I have met has been so nice and included me in events, even though my Português skills are not the greatest. They have been so welcoming and inviting, it makes my time here so much greater.  Even talking with other students studying abroad with me say they have experienced the same hospitality. As here it is for the company of others, even when one does not have much to offer to someone. Here it is more they want to make the person feel at home and welcomed, as well as they enjoy learning about other cultures and want to teach one about their culture and lifestyle. And to go along with this way of life, when one goes to get together, expect loads of food and meeting loads of people.  It is hard though to truly explain this way of life to someone who has not encountered it. What I can say though for certain is if one is ever invited to a Latin get together, or to travel “south of the boarder” take the opportunity. As the people one meets in Latin America makes the experience so much better, and unforgettable. 

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