Saturday, September 28, 2013

13 Signs to show you're Brasilian

Here are  things that I've noticed most Brasilians I have met do; Gente acham que estes são verdade?

You know you are Brasilian when you:

1. own at least one pair of havaianas

2. have been to several churrascos

3. have had coraçãozinha at least once

4. have café at least twice-a-day

5. Know what I mean when I say Annita

6. Have a house thats floors are only tile

7. Eat Pão de Queijo

8. Have a favorite futebol team

9. Know how to dance either seraneja ou forró

10. Escape to the beach during summer break

11. You go to the States (or a place where clothes are cheaper) pack your suitcase completely full with all your purchases

12. Add an -e ou -i to the end of an English word to make it sound Português, etc. Facebook, Film, ou Shrek

13. Wait until the last minute to do something, or start events never on time (Being from the states where everything is very punctual it is very hard to get use to)

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