Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Diferenças de Culturas

Here is a list of some culture differences I have encountered here in Brasil (These are generalization and do not always apply for every city, nor every person) :

1. Houses tend to be smaller and simpler

2. If you aren't watching futebol chances are you are watching Novelas

3. Halls is consumed here like gum or candy

4. Brasil is huge and has a lot of different landscape (not just Rio, São Paulo, and then the Amazon), You can find farm land in central Brasil, to rolling mountains along the coast, and of course the Amazon is there too. One thing though is it is quite expensive to travel around the country.

5. Local buses stop all over the place, they could stop off on the highway near an exit, on the outskirts of a city

6. It is hard to find food from other parts of the world, in markets it is normally grown in the area or surrounding countries, and for restaurants (besides cities like Rio and São Paulo) the many options besides Braslian food is Japanese, Subway/Mac-donanlds, and Italian

7. Food is much less proceed, and frozen food is not as common, it is normally fresh.

8. Highways and roads are not as maintained

9. Water is not free in restaurants, nor is free refills common to find

10. Deodorant here is only spray or roll on.

11. Bureaucracy is common to find when it comes to dealing with the basically anything, from buying a house to even change cars.

12. Milk comes in a cartons that are not yet cold, and do not have to be placed in the refrigerate until it is open.

13. The set up of college is quite different. 1st the amount of time you attend college depends on your major, could be 4 years or 5. There are both public  and private colleges, but for public if you past a test (that everyone studies for, for basically their whole lives) then you can go to college for free. Once in college you start course classes right away. There is not all the options we get, nor do you have to take like the basic freshman classes. With that you stay with the same classmates through your whole time in college, aka your sala. There are kind of some aspects also of that of a sorority/fraternity, each course has their own songs/chants, also you get a sort of big that helps you during your school years.

14. License plates have not only the state which the car is from, but also the city

15. Students luck out a lot by receiving half price on a lot of activities, such as futebol games, concerts, bus cards, and many more.

16. Cars a much smaller here, normally you do not see big, pick up trucks or SUVs, though they can be found occasionally.

17. Clothes and electronics are crazy expensive.

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