Monday, August 19, 2013

Cultural Experiences and a weekend like a Brasilian

After being here for about 2 weeks I have started to adjust and get into a regular schedule. Also I have started to see cultural differences that exist here, and even some simple things that I have noticed since being here. So besides the slowest of life and really enjoying the simple things there are other differences that I have encountered. Here in Brasil, much like Italy the houses are completely tile, meaning that in winter shoes and socks normally have to be worn. Also to go along with the tile, the showers are made just with tile and (as far as my knowledge) do not have bathtubs, just the shower area. In Floripa finding some who speaks English is not common, which I greatly enjoy, it makes it easier to learn Português. Meals are different here, when it comes to which is the most important. In the USA, in my house normally dinner is the biggest meal, but here dinner and breakfast are tiny meals and lunch is the most important. That is why most places here you will find a kilo place, which is when your food is weighed and you pay for the weight. You can also find buffet style, those though cost much more, and normally for the cost difference it is easier and cheaper to eat at a kilo place. The cars here, much like that in Italy, are small cars; it is not normally to find massive semis nor many big trucks and SUVs. There are many cars on the road, but the most common form of transportation is via bus, and then once in a central location walking is the top pick. Rice and beans is common to find here, but also other foods can be found, but when it comes to spicy food (like that found in Central America) that is a rare thing that normally one must search for. Nightlife here in Brasil is much different then that of the states. It is normal to met up with friends and get ready to go to a disco around 10pm, and then around midnight or even later you head to the disco. While in the USA you normally would be returning back home around 1am, Brasilians normally return around 6-7 am. 

That leads me to my past weekend. This weekend was full of experiences. To start off my Friday night I was given the opportunity to go to a futebol game of Avaí with my host dad. To start off the night before the game even started I saw the passion Brasilians have to for futebol. As the street that I live on is close to the stadium, and the street had been turned from a two way into a one way just for the fans going to the game. Then once I arrived to the stadium there were crowds of people everywhere. Although according to my host dad that it was a small crowd, it reminded me of some of the American football games (when it comes to the amount of people there). Once instead the stadium I could see the passion for the game. Everyone was screaming everywhere whether it was for happy for the play that was being played or if it was to complain about a foul. Even during the game, even if I didn’t know what was being said, I understood what they were saying and I even got into it when something would happen during the game. At the end although Avaí lost the game, it was a great experience, and I would definitely return to another game. To top off my weekend of experiences with Brasilians I was given the opportunity to go out with some other past Rotary exchange students to a city on the continent called Balneário Camboriú. It is a place that during the summer is very busy with tourists, similar to that of Floripa. It was such a great time and a good experience as I was able to go out with locals and really get a feel for what it was like to be Brazilian (to an extent). Plus also I was able to practice my Portuguese and I could see that I have already learned more than I knew when I arrived.  Other than that I have just been kind of getting into a routine, and also waiting for the weather to get better so that I will be able to go on trails around the island, without it being to cold.

That is all I have for now.

Until Later 

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