Ja deu 2 mês da minha volta aqui nos EUA. E obvio que esta difícil para readaptar com tudo. Mas com essa readapta to começando de observar coisas que são diferentes com as culturas e tambiem as coisas que eu peguei durante meu tempo la. Uma coisa q e bem obvio e como as pessoas cumprimentam e como eles conversam com outros. Tipo no Brasil e normal pra uma pessoa da um beijinho e um abraços ao alguém mesmo se eles nem conhecem tão bons. Mas aqui nos EUA se faria isso pessoas vão te olhar bem diferente porque aqui as pessoas dão um aperto de mão pra falar oi as pessoas. Em cima dessa no Brasil e normal pra pessoas ficam mais perto com quem esta falando. E depende do relacionamento não e estranho se alguém da um toquezinho tipo no braço. Em contra aqui e mais normal pra pessoas ficam bem mais longe e não e normal de nada pra alguém faz um toquezinho. Na real pessoas acham mais que e estranho demais. Esse traço com certeza que peguei. Tinha varias vezes que não senti que a conversa tava contactada porque a gente não tava perto. Mas penso que esse traço e um razão de porque adorei o Brasil e gostei tanto a cultura!
Esse e uma das coisas que observei desde minha volta. Espero que nas próximas semanas poderia de escrever sobre mais diferentes e as coisas parecidas tambiem. E tambiem sobre o readapte com a cultura americana.
It has been about 2 months since I returned back from Brasil. It has been quite a time readjusting with everything. But during the readjustment I have started to notice things that are quite different between the different cultures, as well as certain traits that I have acquired while in my time in Brasil. One big difference is how in Brasil it is normal to give a kiss on the check and hug, even to people they are not quite that close with. While here in the States if someone would go to do that it would be looked out quite different, as here it is much more customary to give someone a handshake. On top of that Brasilians are normally much more closer to people when it comes to have a conversation, and depending on the relationship it would not be weird if someone gave a touch on the arm or something to that effect. While here people normally stay at a longer range and would never give a touch to the arm. I personally have experienced this difference as once I met someone and forgot for a second where I was and started to give a kiss on the check and halfway into it realized. Needless to say it made for an interesting experience, and luckily after me explaining the person was not quite so freaked out. This trait though is for sure one that I acquired in Brasil, and have noticed at times I feel that a conversation is quite disconnected because we do not have the closeness that one might have in Brasil. This trait though in particular is one that I believe is why Brasilian culture seems so friendly as they are quite open and are very big about connecting.
This is just one big thing I have noticed since my return. Hopefully in the next week or so I will be able to write about more differences and similarities, as well as more about how it is like readapting to the American culture.